Article 34.9 of the Workers' Statute (as amended by Royal Decree Law 8/2019, of March 8, on urgent measures for social protection and the fight against precarious working hours) provides that:
Time registration applies to all workers, whether they are "mobile" workers, commercial, temporary, remote workers or in any other situation.
However, there are three professional categories that are exempt from time registration:
The standard does not establish a specific modality; it merely states that any system capable of providing reliable, unmodifiable information that cannot be manipulated a posteriori, either by the employer or by the employee himself, will be valid.
Some supports may be:
This is a serious infringement with a fine, in its minimum degree, of 626 - 1,250 euros; in its medium degree of 1,251 - 3,125 euros; and in its maximum degree of 3,126 - 6,250 euros.